Case Studies: Development in the AUTOSAR Architecture.

Case Studies: Development in the AUTOSAR Architecture.

Engagement Highlights:

  • AUTOSAR RTE R4.0.3 Module development
  • AUTOSAR Stack for Battery Management for Tier-I
  • AUTOSAR COMMUNICATION(Ethernet) stack integration and testing
  • SWC and BSW Development for Continental Display System


Case Study: A leading OEM Company. The customer was looking for development in the AUTOSAR architecture.

Faststream’s Solution

  • With a unique requirement to fetch the legacy software as well as develop the new software for a number of variants of ECUs, Faststream Technologies has provided a unique solution by commonly implementing the base software one for single-core and another for multi-core processors.
  • In addition to this, Faststream Technologies has simplified the developmental process using IBM’s Application Lifecycle management tools and a plethora of Vector tools like PReeVision, DaVinci Developer, Developer, CaNoe, CANalyzer, Altium’s Tasking compiler, and Green Hills debugger.
  • In order to configure all the I/Os for all the different variants, Faststream has also developed a common Complex Device Driver Suite. To facilitate the software testing before the hardware procurement, virtual target testing was implemented to accelerate the development and reduce the cost of functional testing.


  • The scalability of the BSW software along with the various automated testing scripts on NI and ETAS HILs across various other platforms of the OEM provided them with extra functionality.
  • The improved Agile and AUTOSAR methodology set a new standard of process improvement during a typical quarterly process auditing exercise at the OEM.
  • Efficient management and distribution of work reduced the developmental time, effort, and costs; For example, each ECU took only 1700 Man hours to fully configure and implement.
  • Due to the rapid development of the ECUs, our customer is currently putting into production vehicles implementing various new functionalities, thereby increasing the sales figures of the OEM.
  • Less time for development and more rigorous automated, functional, and virtual testing means the final software obtained is very high in quality and reliability.

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